
University of Cambridge剑桥大学

University of Cambridge was founded in 1209, the College will appear in 1284. University of Cambridge, Cambridge is located in the scenic town, the famous Trans-Kang River during. University of Cambridge has more than 1,000 teachers, as well as more than 1,000 visiting scholars. A total of 16,900 university students, including 6,935 graduate students (of 4,430 settled in Cambridge), 72% of graduate students from other universities, 42% of postgraduate students studying abroad, accounting for 36% of girls. University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor to the Queen's husband Prince Philip Li Pu (he University of Oxford at the same time), set up a chair, executive vice president of daily work. There are 78 Nobel Prize winners from the University of Cambridge. 1999 "Time" magazine (Times) rating of the University, the University of Cambridge, the total assessment is divided into the first one. Of which: the first one the quality of teaching; scientific quality of the first one; a admission criteria first; No. 5 teacher-student ratio; Book No. 3 computer funding; equipment financing section 16; by the level of the ratio of the first honorary one; graduation where the first four. 2000 "Time" magazine (Times) rating scores were still the first one. 1999, 2000 Financial Times article are to assess a grade.
剑桥大学成立于1209年,学院则于1284年出现。剑桥大学位于风景秀丽的剑桥镇,著名的康河横贯其间。   剑桥大学有教师 1,000余名,另外还有1,000余名访问学者。大学共有学生16,900 名,其中包括6,935名研究生(定居在剑桥的4,430),72%的研究生来自其它大学,研究生中42%是国外留学生,女生占36%. 剑桥大学校长为女王丈夫菲历普亲王(他同时兼任牛津大学校长),设一名常务副校长主持日常工作。有78位诺贝尔奖得主出自剑桥大学。   1999年《时代》周刊(Times)的大学等级评估中,剑桥大学评估总分为第1名。其中:教学质量第1名;科研质量第1名;入学标准第1名;师生比例第5名;图书电脑经费第3名;设备经费第16名;获荣誉等级的比例第1名;毕业去向第4名。2000年《时代》周刊(Times)等级评估中仍获总分第1名。1999年、2000年Financial Times评估等级均为第1名。

London School of Economics伦敦经济学院(LSE)

London School of Economics (LSE) in the humanities and social disciplines and the world-famous teaching and research community, in the social sciences academic excellence, is the teaching and scientific research will be concentrated in the social, political and economic sciences of the top schools. College was founded in 1895 by a group of respected Fabian (Fabian) and the Fabian Society Initiative members. (Fabian was a Roman general, known for the use of circuitous tactics. The 19th century, the rise of the 80's in the UK in order to improve the means to achieve a moderate socialist ideas, known as Fabianism.) In 1900 to become the London School of Economics London University (University of London) as part of, and become the School of the University of London, one of the largest. London School of Economics, a total of 18 departments, 26 research centers or institutes, the creation of economic, mathematics and statistics, history, law, philosophy and other social science professional. There are nearly 7,000 students, of whom, the United Kingdom accounted for 38% of students in Europe accounted for 18% of students, from more than 120 other countries accounting for 44% of the students.

伦敦经济学院(LSE)以人文社会学科方面的教学和研究而闻名于世界,在社会科学方面学术表现卓越,是所将教学与科研集中在社会、政治和经济科学领域的顶尖学校。学院创立于1895年,由一群推崇费边(Fabian)主义的费边协会会员所倡议。(费边原是古罗马的将军,以使用迂回战术闻名。19世纪80年代在英国兴起的,以温和改良手段实现社会主义的思潮,就称为费边主义。)1900年伦敦经济学院成为伦敦大学(University of London)的一部分,并成为目前伦敦大学最大的学院之一。伦敦经济学院共有18个系、26个研究中心或研究所,开设有经济、数学与统计、历史、法律、哲学等多种社会科学专业。有近7,000名学生,其中,英国学生占38%,欧洲的学生占18%,来自其它120多个国家的学生占44%.